My First Bible Stories
₦3,000.00Introduce children to the Bible with these beautifully illustrated stories from both the Old and New Testaments. With simple text and sturdy pages, this treasured collection is a joy to share.
Change comes to all of us—whether we prepare for it or not. How we deal with those inevitable changes—no matter what the source—determines whether they will ultimately be a positive or negative force in our lives. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reveals how to experience security, confidence, and freedom in the uncertainty of our changing world.
Introduce children to the Bible with these beautifully illustrated stories from both the Old and New Testaments. With simple text and sturdy pages, this treasured collection is a joy to share.
In this book, you’re going to read about a different kind of love story. It’s a love story each and every one of us is currently playing a role in–whether we’re aware of it or not. And truth be told, it’s scary-critical that we stay tuned-in to this love story. Because outside of a growing relationship with your heavenly Father, no other love (or lack of love) has the potential to improve or implode your life like the love that you have for you.
For anyone who has ever struggled with their identity, Landra Young Hughes has a radically simple message: give up. Specifically, give up your need to be in control of how other people see you. Instead, let God’s words–not yours and not others’–define you. Through her own deeply personal story of trying to control her circumstances and others’ perceptions of her through an eating disorder, Landra points the way toward a life free from self-obsession and self-resentment. She shows you how to listen to God’s voice, let go of the struggle for perfection, and live authentically from your deepest self.
VeggieTales 365 Daily Devos are back with a fresh edition. Packed with new content and favorite Veggie characters, these devotionals offer parents and sons the perfect opportunity to share time together each day. Included in each daily entry are a Bible verse, short devotion, Thought of the Day, and prayer. Rich biblical content will help boys learn more about God and develop a daily practice to keep him close in their lives. Great for bedtime reading, family devotion time, or as a fresh way to start each day, these daily devotionals will remind growing boys of God’s continued love and care.
VeggieTales 365 Daily Devos are back with a fresh edition. Packed with new content and favorite Veggie characters, these devotionals offer parents and daughters the perfect opportunity to share time together each day. Included in each daily entry are a Bible verse, short devotion, Thought of the Day, and prayer. Rich biblical content will help girls learn more about God and develop a daily practice to keep him close in their lives. Great for bedtime reading, family devotion time, or as a fresh way to start each day, these daily devotionals will remind growing girls of God’s continued love and care.
The Beginner’s Bible First 100 Bible Words is the perfect way to introduce little ones to their first words from the Bible. This bright board book with vibrant colors and child-friendly illustrations offers emerging readers an opportunity to learn words and concepts from beloved stories from the Bible. This sturdy board book is perfect for little hands and contains engaging 3-D art with plenty of details to hold a young child’s attention
Everyday life can be demanding; it’s easy to become distracted by so many things that seem important. But in order to lead a fulfilling life, you have to make time daily for what’s most important — your relationship with God. In Closer to God Each Day, Joyce Meyer, #1 New York Times bestselling author, outlines practicals ways to develop your intimacy with God. Joyce shares powerful Scripture and personal illustrations that will help you experience the peace that is gained through closeness with Him. You’ll be inspired each day to make better decisions, live more effectively, and lead the joyful life God has planned for you.
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