
Creative Strategy And The Business Of Design
Remaining relevant as a creative professional takes more than creativity–you need to understand the language of business. The problem is that design school doesn’t teach the strategic language that is now essential to getting your job done. Creative Strategy and the Business of Design fills that void and teaches left-brain business skills to right-brain creative thinkers.
Inside, you’ll learn about the business objectives and marketing decisions that drive your creative work. The curtain’s been pulled away as marketing-speak and business jargon are translated into tools to help you:
–Understand client requests from a business perspective
–Build a strategic framework to inspire visual concepts
–Increase your relevance in an evolving industry
–Redesign your portfolio to showcase strategic thinking
–Win new accounts and grow existing relationships
You already have the creativity; now it’s time to gain the business insight. Once you understand what the people across the table are thinking, you’ll be able to think how they think to do what we do.
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