
Who Do You Think You Are?

Having been through some life-changing circumstances, which would have shaken the average person’s world, Elizabeth felt the urge to share her learnings to help more women navigate challenges, crisis, and uncertainties, so they can live a mentally healthier and happier life. In this book, Elizabeth Osho shares her story of adversity, trials, and finding happiness as a young woman.

By reading this book, women will discover some of the tactics Elizabeth used to overcome her own adversity, and how she stayed positive and found happiness in spite of the unpredictable.

From this book – the reader will:

– Discover how to advocate for yourself in trying times.

– Recognize and navigate traumas

– Prioritize your mental well-being for the benefit of your family and community.

– Identify your habits and how to replace them.

– Recognize generational behaviors that you need to change,

– Find happiness and stay positive in spite of the unpredictable.

– Hold on to Faith even when things seem hopeless.



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