
Memories On A Platter

Memories On A Platter is a Nigerian cook book, laced with memoirs from the writer’s childhood and other hilarious stories that capture the essence, ingredients and dishes that make up Nigerian culinary diversity. Get inspired to cook over 130 authentic Nigerian recipes. You will find traditional and modern recipes from the coastal regions with lots of seafood, tubers and fresh green vegetables, to the arid-north where cereal grains and meats dominate the dishes.

Iquo Ukoh shares her stories to provide readers with some context about Nigerian food. Some of her reminiscences with cooking and growing up might be similar to yours, so get ready and be transported to a happy place of nostalgia and laughter. Memories On A Platter is a remarkable journey of Nigerian food, infused with rich cultural experiences, mind-blowing flavours, and jaw dropping food photography

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