Business & Economics

Time Management


In this indispensable, pocket-sized guide, business author and success expert Brian Tracy reveals 21 proven time management techniques you can use immediately to gain two or more productive hours every day.

Tracy also identifies and shares the strategies he’s learned himself has identified as the most effective for readers having trouble fitting everything the day brings them inside a 24-hour window.

In Time Management, you will learn how to:

– Handle endless interruptions, meetings, emails, and phone calls
– Identify your key result areas
– Allocate enough time for top priority responsibilities
– Batch similar tasks to preserve focus and make the most of each minute
– Overcome procrastination
-Determine what to delegate and what to eliminate
– Utilize Program Evaluation and Review Techniques to work backward from the future, and more!

Filled with Tracy’s trademark wisdom, Time Management is an invaluable, time-creating resource that will help you get more done in less time and with much less stress.

Your Guide To Public Speaking


Are you part of the 73% of the population that experiences anxiety from public speaking? Face your fears with this valuable guide that combines real-world case studies and practice activities to help build your confidence.

You may not be afraid of heights or spiders but making a speech in front of a large crowd—whether it’s a wedding party, an awards ceremony, or even doing a presentation in the office—is sure to get your heart pounding and your palms sweaty. But with Your Guide to Public Speaking in hand, there’s no need to fear public speaking a second longer.

This practical and indispensable guide teaches you to understand and work with your audience, take control of your own emotions, and create the perfect materials to supplement your speech and help drive your message home. With practice activities, real-world case studies, tips you never thought you needed—and more!—you’ll find everything you need to become a speech master in no time at all.

From preparing for a video conference, rallying for support for a cause that’s important to you, or facing down multiple interviews, you can banish those fears and feel empowered no matter what the situation with Your Guide to Public Speaking.

Igba-Boi: Repositioning the Igbo Apprenticeship System


Repositioning the Igbo Apprenticeship System highlights the entrepreneurial exploits of the Igbos of south-eastern Nigeria. Despite the globalisation-accentuated influence of western business culture, the Igbos have sustained their indigenous business system undergirded by an ingenious apprenticeship system, Igba-boi.

This apprenticeship system has existed in the Igboland for decades as an important heritage, embedded in cultural norms and values passed down for generations. The authors argue that the unique framework and rules of operation of this viable socioeconomic empowerment model will, if well-positioned, make significant contributions to the advancement of the boi/Nwa-boi (apprentice), the Oga (Master), the community (Ndi-Igbo) and the achievement of the country’s overall developmental goals.

Social Media Success For Every Brand


Most business owners are blindly guessing at their social media strategy, and it’s costing them time and money. Based on Donald Miller’s bestselling book Building a StoryBrand, Claire Diaz-Ortiz applies the seven principles of the StoryBrand Framework to help you build an effective, long-lasting social media plan for your brand.

Social Media Success for Every Brand teaches readers how to incorporate the StoryBrand 7-Part Framework into their social media channels to increase engagement and see better results. Readers will understand exactly what they need to do with their social media to drive growth to their organization through the practical guidance of the five-point SHARE model:


The Power of Why


The urge to question is natural for small children—just ask any parent. But few of us are aware that it is also one of the most vital tools for success. In The Power of Why, Amanda Lang shows how curiosity and the ability to ask the right questions fuels innovation and can drive change not just in business but also in our personal lives.

Weaving together the latest research with in-depth profiles of innovators from around the world, Lang explores how to harness and develop the power of curiosity. She reveals how a major retailer set out to discover what really makes men happy—and was stunned by the results. She finds out why, at one particular hospital, nurses think it’s better if they don’t wash their hands. She learns why the most common methods of brainstorming don’t actually work and discovers a new soccer ball that could change the world.

A book that challenges conventional wisdom and offers practical, inspiring advice, The Power of Why shows how it’s possible to reignite your innate curiosity and overcome long-standing barriers—leaving you more creative, productive and fulfilled in your job and happier in your relationships.

Over-Dressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion


Cheap fashion has fundamentally changed the way most Americans dress. Stores ranging from discounters like Target to traditional chains like JCPenny now offer the newest trends at unprecedentedly low prices. And we have little reason to keep wearing and repairing the clothes we already own when styles change so fast and it’s cheaper to just buy more.

Cline sets out to uncover the true nature of the cheap fashion juggernaut. What are we doing with all these cheap clothes? And more important, what are they doing to us, our society, our environment, and our economic well-being?

The News Sorority


For decades, women battered the walls of the male fortress of television journalism. After fierce struggles, three women—Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric, and Christiane Amanpour—broke into the newsroom’s once impenetrable “boys’ club.” These women were not simply pathbreakers, but wildly gifted journalists whose unique talents enabled them to climb to the top of the corporate ladder and transform the way Americans received their news.

Drawing on exclusive interviews with their colleagues and intimates from childhood on, The News Sorority crafts a lively and exhilarating narrative that reveals the hard struggles and inner strengths that shaped these women and powered their success. Life outside the newsroom—love, loss, child rearing—would mark them all, complicating their lives even as it deepened their convictions and instincts. Life inside the newsroom would include many nervy decisions and back room power plays previously uncaptured in any media account. Taken together, Sawyer’s, Couric’s, and Amanpour’s lives as women are here revealed not as impediments but as keys to their success.

Raised in Louisville, Kentucky, Diane Sawyer was a young woman steering her own unique political course in a time of societal upheaval. Her fierce intellect, almost insuperable work ethic, and sophisticated emotional intelligence would catapult Sawyer from being the first female on-air correspondent for 60 Minutes, to presenting anchoring the network flagship ABC World News. From her first breaks as a reporter all the way through her departure in 2014, Sawyer’s charisma and drive would carry her through countless personal and professional changes.

Katie Couric, always conveniently underestimated because of her “girl-next-door” demeanor, brazened her way through a succession of regional TV news jobs until she finally hit it big. In 1991, Couric became the cohost of Today, where, over the next fifteen years, she transformed the “female” slot from secondary to preeminent while shouldering devastating personal loss. Couric’s greatest triumph—and most bedeviling challenge—was at CBS Evening News, as the first woman to solo-anchor a nighttime network news program. Her contradictions—seriously feminist while proudly sorority-girlish—made her beyond easy typecasting, and as original as she is relatable.

A glamorous, unorthodox cosmopolite—raised in pre-revolution Iran amid royalty and educated in England—Christiane Amanpour would never have been picked out of a lineup as a future war reporter, until her character flourished on catastrophic soil: her family’s exile during the Iranian Revolution. Once she knew her calling, Amanpour shrewdly made a virtue of her outsider status, joining the fledgling CNN on the bottom rung and then becoming its “face,” catalyzing its rise to global prominence. Amanpour’s fearlessness in war zones would make her the world’s witness to some of its most acute crises and television’s chief advocate for international justice.

Revealing the tremendous combination of ambition, empathy, and skill that empowered Sawyer, Couric, and Amanpour to reach stardom, The News Sorority is a detailed story of three very particular lives and a testament to the extraordinary character of women everywhere.

101 Mission Statements From Top Companies


en & Jerry’s has one. So do Tiffany’s and Smucker’s and Microsoft. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a small start-up or one of the biggest players in corporate America. A clear statement of intent not only inspires a sense of overall purpose for a business or nonprofit, it serves as a practical focus for individuals within the organization. It can even provide an actual blueprint for a company’s future and, ultimately, its success.

Selected from among America’s most successful corporations and recognizable brands, these statements vary widely in style, length, and language. However, they all share a universal vision of excellence that includes superiority in their fields, respect for and responsibility toward employees and clients, dedication to stated business goals, and community-oriented values.

Additionally, 101 MISSION STATEMENTS instructs the new or future entrepreneur in crafting and customizing a mission statement that will inspire, motivate, and meet the specific needs and aspirations of the organization and its members.

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