Business & Economics



No greater force for change exists than the people we surround ourselves with. Relationshift explores how the people in your life have colored your worldview, how this limits or expands your options, and what to do about it.

Through the stories of British explorer Gertrude Bell, abolitionist hero Frederick Douglass, music icons the Beastie Boys, and many others, this book will help you:

– Learn how to connect with high-caliber people who can help you go further in life.
– Understand the rules of life as handed down through countless generations—then learn how to recognize which ones can be bent.
– Grow in happiness, thankfulness, peace, and contentment while eliminating the power of negative emotions.
– Explore how our minds reject new concepts like our bodies reject viruses.
– Build a personal tribe that can help you achieve any goal in work, health, or relationships.
– Make better choices by learning to see your options more clearly and honing your ability to move quickly with less information.
– Identify relationships that have the most impact on your wellbeing, for better or worse.
-Discover and refine the direction of your life by exploring wisdom from twenty experts on purpose.

With dozens of illustrations and practical examples, Relationshift will help you take greater control of your life and uncover a path to your best possible future.



Become the most valuable team player in your company, climb the ladder as a top performer, and gain the utmost recognition and respect from your peers and superiors.

A comprehensive guide to what really counts and isn’t taught in business school, Remarkable is the first and last professional playbook you’ll ever need. Step-by-step advice takes you from the early stages of a business career to the top-level executive position. Follow the journey, lessons, and remarkable insights of an executive who has seen it all, and now offers pragmatic and infallible wisdom that you can use immediately.

David Kronfeld has mentored professionals and executives who now lead successful careers. He’s been a management consultant with Booz Allen, a corporate executive, and the founder and chairman of JK&B Capital, a leading venture capital firm. His extensive top management experience and sitting on boards of directors means he’s been actively involved with the highest priority challenges facing dozens of companies. He’s championed strategies that flourished, helmed businesses that thrived, and knows what makes leaders prosper or fail. Be it hiring or firing, he’s decided the fates of employees and managers at all levels, including CEOs.

Within Remarkable, David Kronfeld offers his incomparable life lessons, experience, and proven insight for your entire career, from entry level skills—writing a great resume, performing well on interviews, how to get promoted—to the management-level expertise that covers becoming a better negotiator, employer, and company leader. With his extensive guidance, you’ll learn how to accelerate your career and powerfully impact your effectiveness and career trajectory.

Remote Inc


Remote work can be satisfying and productive—once you craft a strategy that taps into the unique advantages of working from home. After a year in which many of us plunged into remote work overnight, we finally have a chance to make thoughtful choices about how to combine remote and office work, and how to make the most of our days at home.

Remote, Inc. gives you the strategies and tools you need to make remote work a valuable part of your renewed working life. Learn how to…

– Gain control over how and when you work by focusing on objectives, not the 9-to-5 workday.
– Wow your managers by treating them like valued clients.
– Beat information overload by prioritizing important emails and messages.
– Make online meetings purposeful, focused and engaging.
– Build great relationships with your colleagues—whether at the next desk, or another city.
– Find a balance between work from home, and life at home.
– Make a remote work plan that lets you get the best from time at the office—and the best of home.

Remote, Inc. takes you inside the mindset and habits of people who flourish while working outside the office some or all of the time: people who function like a “business of one.” That’s how productivity experts Robert C. Pozen and Alexandra Samuel describe the mindset that lets people thrive when they’re working remotely, whether full-time or in combination with time at the office. You can follow their lead by embracing the work habits and independence of a small business owner—while also tapping into the benefits of collegiality and online collaboration.

Remote Work Revolution


The rapid and unprecedented changes brought on by Covid-19 have accelerated the transition to remote working, requiring the wholesale migration of nearly entire companies to virtual work in just weeks, leaving managers and employees scrambling to adjust. This massive transition has forced companies to rapidly advance their digital footprint, using cloud, storage, cybersecurity, and device tools to accommodate their new remote workforce.

Experiencing the benefits of remote working—including nonexistent commute times, lower operational costs, and a larger pool of global job applicants—many companies, including Twitter and Google, plan to permanently incorporate remote days or give employees the option to work from home full-time. But virtual work has it challenges. Employees feel lost, isolated, out of sync, and out of sight. They want to know how to build trust, maintain connections without in-person interactions, and a proper work/life balance. Managers want to know how to lead virtually, how to keep their teams motivated, what digital tools they’ll need, and how to keep employees productive.

Providing compelling, evidence-based answers to these and other pressing issues, Remote Work Revolution is essential for navigating the enduring challenges teams and managers face. Filled with specific actionable steps and interactive tools, this timely book will help team members deliver results previously out of reach. Following Neeley’s advice, employees will be able to break through routine norms to successfully use remote work to benefit themselves, their groups, and ultimately their organizations.

Remote Works


Drawing on their years of experience working at remote companies DuckDuckGo and Automattic, plus dozens of interviews with leading experts, Ali Greene and Tamara Sanderson have written the ultimate playbook for managing remote teams.

This book addresses challenges such as communicating effectively (with fewer meetings!), eliminating frustration over what tools to use, establishing team norms, and focusing on getting things done. You will learn how to work best remotely and create a workplace designed for freedom, flexibility, and focus.

For decades, we’ve planned our lives around our work. Now it’s time to intentionally design work to fit our lives.

Reputation Capital


In two decades as a television reporter, T. J. Winick covered many scandals. The biggest mistake he saw brands make was to try to “make it go away” by refusing to apologize, declining to comment, or going on the attack—anything to deflect attention. Often that kind of response becomes a scandal of its own.

In his book, Winick argues instead for transparency, honesty, authenticity, and empathy. Handled correctly, the way you address an egregious violation of your standards can increase your reputation capital. It can remind people of what those standards are and how strongly you believe in them.

Drawing on his intimate insider knowledge of the media, Winick addresses every conceivable aspect of how to respond to a scandal. He includes his Ten Crisis Commandments—universal dos and don’ts—and the seven qualities for an effective response. Using dozens of examples, he covers critical issues such as choosing when and how to apologize and when not to, creating a crisis communication plan and forming a response team, making the press your ally; choosing the right social media channel to deliver your message, navigating controversial social issues, and much more.

Winick’s experience covering brands in crisis and then defending them makes this book an invaluable resource. “I have been both the hunter and the hunted,” he writes. If you’ve built your reputation capital through years of living the ideals you espouse, this book will help you protect and defend it when that inevitable crisis strikes.

Reputation Matters


In the volatile landscape of social media and viral news, professional reputations can be wrecked within a matter of hours. Passivity in the face of public criticism is often perceived as conceding guilt, while an ill-judged response can just make things worse. But few senior business leaders, entrepreneurs, public figure, talent managers, in-house lawyers and even PR professionals are aware of the full array of strategies available that can both prevent and mitigate PR crises.

In Reputation Matters, Jonathan Coad draws upon his decades of expertise (both as one of the country’s leading PR lawyers and as a highly regarded editorial lawyer) to provide this essential guide to protecting and managing both your professional reputation and that of your organization.

With the blurred lines between traditional and social media and the growing predominance of misinformation, reputations are now more valuable and vulnerable than ever. Reputation Matters grants readers a unique insider’s insight into how the media works, teaches the best strategies for countering any threats, and uncovers the intricacies of litigation PR. In this engaging and essential book, Jonathan gives practical advice on how to cultivate and secure your reputation, which is enriched and supported by a selection of first-hand case studies from his illustrious career.

Restaurant Man


Joe Bastianich is unquestionably one of the most successful restaurateurs in America—if not the world. So how did a nice Italian boy from Queens turn his passion for food and wine into an empire? In Restaurant Man, Joe charts a remarkable journey that first began in his parents’ neighborhood eatery. Along the way, he shares fascinating stories about his establishments and his superstar chef partners—his mother, Lidia Bastianich, and Mario Batali.

Ever since Anthony Bourdain whet literary palates with Kitchen Confidential, restaurant memoirs have been mainstays of the bestseller lists. Serving up equal parts rock ’n’ roll and hard-ass business reality, Restaurant Man is a compelling ragu-to-riches chronicle that foodies and aspiring restauranteurs alike will be hankering to read.

Restoring The Soul Of Business


Businesses are leaving behind traditional meetings in favor of virtual ones, transitioning from surveys and studies to analytics and algorithms. The startling and often unacknowledged truth is that?the promise of digital transformation can only be realized when we find a way to balance it with the promise of people.?In the end, it’s the people that matter, and companies must never forget the soul that drives them.

In Restoring the Soul of Business, business leader Rishad Tobaccowala?teaches you to:

– Understand how to unleash the significant benefit that can be realized by combining emotion and data, human and machine, analog and digital.
– Spot the warning signs of data-blinded companies: cold cultures with little human interaction, poor innovation stemming from discouraged employees who don’t contribute ideas, and poor customer service due to automated, robotic processes.
– Explore how organizations of various sizes and from different industries have successfully reoriented their thinking on how to fuse technology and humanity.
– Gain skills to become an expert in connections critical to growth and success, including the connection between being creative and using technology.
– Everyone working in an organization will find penetrating observations and guidance about how and why establishing the proper balance between human intuition and creativity and data-driven insights can lead to increased revenue, profitability, retention—and even joy—in their careers and business.
– Restoring the Soul of Business provides practical tools and techniques that every organization can and should implement, and challenges you to move forward with the kind of balance that capitalizes transformation and produces one great success after another.

Retail Disruptors


Hard discounters are stores that sell a limited selection of consumer packaged goods and perishables – typically fewer than 2,000 Stock Keeping Units – for prices that are usually 50-60% lower than national brands. The best known hard discounters are Aldi and Lidl, but global brands include Trader Joe’s, EuroSpin, Biedronka, Netto and Leader Price. Their rise has been monumental; they have irrevocably changed the face of retail in Europe and Australia, and are making steady inroads into the US. Retail Disruptors explores the very real threat that hard discounters pose to traditional retailers and brand manufacturers.

Retail Disruptors is the first book that explores this upheaval, providing expert insight into the business models of the leading hard discounters, and what mainstream retailers and brand manufacturers can do to remain competitive in the face of disruption. Meticulously researched by two of the leading authorities in retail strategy, private labels, branding, and hard discounting, Retail Disruptors is essential reading for all brand manufacturers and retailers who want to retain the competitive edge.

Retail Recovery


This book offers a comprehensive analysis of new forces which are changing the way in which we buy products and experience brands. It includes in-depth interviews with some of the most innovative players–from John Lewis in the UK, to Nike and Patagonia in the US–in the hope of drawing out key learning points for the rest of the industry, across the globe. It also provides essential guidelines for governments, as they strive to rebuild society in the wake of recent catastrophes.

The retail industry, with which we have all grown up, has been devastated by the twin effects of the internet and the Coronavirus lockdown. Huge numbers of prestigious brands have gone under, or are a shadow of their former selves. The world economy has gone into deep recession, with reduced employment and incomes across broad swathes of society. Many discretionary products have simply become too expensive for ordinary people to buy on a regular basis. High streets and shopping malls lie half empty, causing a vacuum at the core of our societies.

There is an urgent need to regenerate our local shopping centers, in order to create new hope in depressed areas. So how can retailers and brands respond to this crisis? Fortunately, new shoots of recovery are emerging from the wreckage of the old order–new brands, new technology, new ways of providing value, and new and innovative methods of creating excitement to draw in consumers, all of which have the potential to kick-start the retail economy.

Retail’s Seismic Shift


For one hundred years, retail was designed for the car―buildings and malls to travel to. Now it is designed for the mobile smart device―for consumers to travel with. In a world with an overabundance of material goods, consumer values and the drivers of retail success are being radically redefined. The smartphone has created a world of limitless expectation and logistical possibility: What will the retail experience look like in ten, twenty, or even fifty years―and how should all companies be preparing?

Industry experts Michael Dart and Robin Lewis identify the major trends in our economy that will shape the future of retail and determine who wins. Imagine aworld where entertainment, experience, or values matter more than the product. We are approaching the time in which distribution begins and ends with the consumer, mass markets give way to fragmented markets, and the necessity of entirely new business models is paramount. Amazon, Uber, and AirBnB are just the beginning; new technologies will continue to grow and uproot existing business models. And now, with the emergence of the technology-empowered young consumer culture, retailers will be forced to transform their offerings.

Rethinking Success


The founder and CEO of Path North, Georgetown University professor, and former White House advisor teaches you how to find meaning, balance, and purpose throughout your career while reaching the highest levels of professional achievement—how to do well without losing yourself.

Throughout his illustrious career, J. Douglas Holladay has taught generations of executives as well as students in his popular MBA course at Georgetown how to use a holistic approach to defining and reaching success in life and business.

Success does not come with an instruction manual. Too often “successful” people end up feeling empty, isolated, and depressed because they have lost focus on what is most important in their lives. Rethinking Success can help anyone, no matter their field, maintain the practices and values that keep them in tune with their most cherished beliefs throughout their careers. Drawn from the insights of his network of famous friends as well as his experiences as an investment banker, White House advisor, diplomat, longtime business professor, and non-profit consultant, the advice in Rethinking Success is centered around eight essential questions we must ask ourselves regularly to stay focused, connected, and joyful throughout our working lives.

Filled with essential wisdom, Rethinking Success is a powerful guide that allows us to do well while staying in tune with the values and beliefs that are most important to us.

Revolutionizing Business Operations


Don’t risk the dire consequences of your work processes becoming obsolete—discover a powerful model for constant, ongoing, enterprise-wide process evolution and optimization.

If you have a great product, but don’t have the operations in place to efficiently and effectively support it—production, manufacturing, sales, finance, human resources, etc.—you won’t succeed. Product innovation is seen as flashier and so gets far more attention, but you can create an enduring competitive advantage by revolutionizing business operations.

The problem is most attempts to improve business operations are reactive, sporadic, and siloed. Tony Saldanha and Filippo Passerini’s Dynamic Process Transformation model provides a living model for constant, ongoing process evolution and optimization.

The authors focus on maximizing three drivers of change. First, “open market rules”—each business process must be run as a separate business, instead of via monolithic mandates coming down from on high. Second, there must be “unified accountability”— outcomes must be clear and consistent across the company, instead of being siloed within departments. And third, there needs to be a “dynamic operating engine,” a methodology to convert the constantly changing business process goals into tactical day-to-day employee actions.

With numerous examples from leading companies, this book shows how to proactively keep business processes across the company from becoming obsolete and take advantage of a neglected key to success.

Rich AF


When Vivian Tu started working on Wall Street fresh from undergrad, all she knew was that she was making more money than she had ever seen in her life. But it wasn’t until she found a mentor of her own on the trading floor that she began to understand what wealthy people knew intuitively—the secrets to beating the proverbial financial game that has, for too long, been male, pale, and stale.

Building on the lessons she learned on Wall Street about money and the markets, Vivian now offers her best personal finance tips and tricks to readers of all ages and demographics, so that anyone can get rich, whether you grew up knowing the rules to the game or not. Vivian will be your mentor, dispensing fresh, no-BS advice on how to think like a rich person and create smart money habits. Throughout the pages of Rich AF,Vivian will break down her best recommendations to help you:
Maximize your earnings to get more out of your 9-to-5
Understand the differences between savings accounts, and where you should keep your money
Identify the tax strategies and (legal) loopholes you need to retire in style
Overcome investing fears to secure wealth for generations
And much more!

Rich AF will equip readers with the tools and knowledge to not only understand the financial landscape, but to build a financial strategy of their own. And with Your Rich BFF at your side, you’ll be able to start your financial journey already in an affluent mindset, making the most of your money and growing your wealth for years to come.

Rocket Billionaires


For the outsize personalities staking their fortunes on spaceships, the new race to explore space could be a dead end, a lucrative opportunity—or the key to humanity’s survival. Rocket Billionaires shines a light on Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos as they attempt to make history, reinvent the space economy, and feed their own egos. Beyond these two towering figures, Tim Fernholz introduces a supporting cast of equally fascinating entrepreneurs, from the irrepressible British mogul Richard Branson to the satellite internet visionary Greg Wyler.

Fernholz’s fly‑on‑the‑wall reporting captures an industry in the midst of disruption. While NASA seeks to preserve its ambitious space program, traditional aerospace firms like Boeing and Lockheed Martin scramble to adapt to new competitors, lobbyists tussle over public funds, and lawmakers try to prevent this new space race from sparking global conflict. It’s a high‑stakes marathon that Fernholz recounts with expert analysis and revealing detail.

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